In this trippy puzzle game, you've got a Camera with bizarre abilities that you have to use to solve the logistical problems put before you. You can use your camera to

 shrink and grow objects. When you zoom in the object stays the same size on the screen, shrinking it! And when you zoom out the object will get bigger, but not on the screen.


WASD to Walk

Space to Jump

Enter to Open/Close the Phone

Use either the keypad -/+ or the keyboard -/= to Zoom In/Out aka Shrink/Grow

E to Pick Up Small Objects

Press R to Restart the Level

Mechanics Notes: 

Only small objects can be picked up

Small objects are objects that were shrunk by 50%

Weight Scales are only activated by heavy objects

Heavy objects are those which are 2x Size

Weight Scales don't always correspond to the closest Secret Door

Secret Door are the Light Brown Walls

Audio and Graphics are limited in the WebGL version

I highly recommend the Windows Executable version

GMTK GameJam 2024

This Game was made for the GameJam hosted by GMTK in 2024

under the theme Built to Scale. If you're viewing this before the

25th of August 2024, be sure to rate the game submission!


ZOOM - for 34 MB

Install instructions

A PC build is always better than WebGL and will give you a better experience. To run the game on Windows simply download "ZOOM - for" extract the files, and run "GMTK GameJam 2024.exe" That's all, I hope you enjoy it :)

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